Started by mahmoodmoons55 2017-07-13 at 09:31 5 replies to this topic
i cant buy rent reffrals becaouse my acount use in china i dont knhow how please help me ,and how to secure my account becaouse chines login to my account i dont known how i am from pakistan i want to rent reffrral buy and secure my account
You logged in from a different country. To protect member accounts, you can't buy items how to protect my account help me dear admin Your account has been accessed from various countries! Check your login log. Check your password. Keep your account safe! |
« Last Edit:
2017-07-13 at 12:04
by mahmoodmoons55 »
Quote: mahmoodmoons55 |
Quote: mahmoodmoons55 |
First of all check if you are not using any VPN/Proxy, if yes, turn it off and if still your account keep being logged in from various countries ,send support ticket explaining everything.............maybe this help
« Last Edit:
2017-08-01 at 19:47
by mobbs329 »